Welcome to a world of workshops, trainings and counselling for developing creativity, generating and realizing ideas and learning to learn.

People who can present their ideas clearly have a greater chance of success. The greater the number of people who can realize their ideas, the more developed and successful the society.

TiPovej! is an educational organization that carries out workshops and trainings at schools, non-governmental organisations and companies in order to help the participants find their own creativity, teach them creative thinking and search for new solutions through teamwork.

TiPovej! is an excellent springboard for youth to achieve personal success. We help them move along the path to self-actualisation by teaching them creative thinking and idea realisation as well as encouraging them to set ambitious goals and make their dreams come true.

TiPovej! wants to bring about a society that favours bringing ideas to life and create a social environment where good ideas will turn into projects and organisations and get realized. We want to establish and maintain an environment that is safe, tolerant and favourably disposed towards ideas and their implementation.


TiPovej! workshops contribute towards personal growth of individual participants, improve group atmosphere and cohesion.

1. Characteristics of non-formal learning

Non-formal learning is always purposeful, designed with present learning goals and a method to reach them. The participants set the learning goals by themselves or actively participate in their creation. The role of the "student" crosses into the role of the "teacher" and vice versa.

2. Stress on developing an individual’s potential

The educational process fosters and enables the participants to achieve all the necessary values, competencies, knowledge and understanding to live fruitful lives. It also generates confidence and creativity in all life circumstances.

3. The method of work is learning that includes 3 key competencies:




4. Approach and methods:

  • Experiential and non-formal learning,
  • Active cooperation,
  • Creative solutions,
  • Open and accessible communication,
  • Accomplished process and implementation.

5. Protocols and laws:

  • TiPovej! Institute act
  • Personal data protection policy
  • Law on public interest in the youth sector
  • Child protection Policy


Digital transformation with the platform DigitalYOu

We talk a lot about digital youth work and digital tools for working with young people. But what about WE? How can youth workers and other educators also make their work easier, successfully use digital tools and gain time to implement our content and work directly with young people? Let's discover the answer to this question TOGETHER!

TiPovej! Institute partnered locally with Stičišče Središče and Voluntariat Institute to organise an info day "Digital transformation with the DigitalYOu platform". We presented our project and platform DigitalYOu.

In the upcoming weeks we plan to dive even further. We are planning:

  • Two online webinars (25. and 26. 3. 2024 between 10h and 12h) where we will present the 2 main functions of the platform: (1) engage and (2) empower.
  • We are also inviting 5 organisations from Slovenia to join us in the first ever open online fair on the platform DigitalYOu itself, that will take place on the 11. 4. 2024 between 17h and 20h. 

The project DigitalYOu is supported by European Union, while Stičišče is supported by Ministry of Public Administration from the NGO Fund.

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The third EAF event took place in the Ivan Cankar student dormitory and in the Secondary school of economics in Ljubljana, Slovenia, from 22nd to 25th October 2023. The event gathered a diverse group...

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Invitation to International Training and Certification in Digital Badge Recognition

We’re hosting an International Training and Certification program in Digital Badge Recognition from 20th to 25th May 2024, and would like to invite you. The training will take place in Sremski...

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Try your hand at escaping from an institution

Here is a digital escape room called Escape room - Escape from the institution. The project is a collaboration between three partner organisations: YHD - the Association for the Theory and Culture of...

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