“Europeans Against Fake News” event in Greece - call for YOUTH WORKERS

We are organizing Europeans Against Fake News (EAF) event in Thessaloniki, Greece,

where we will bring together large number of young people and engage them in a discussion

about fake news that are surrounding online sphere.

Through the series of creative activities mixing methodology of living libraries and collaborative workshops, we will work on enhancing their media literacy and inspiring critical thinking of young people in order to enable them to learn how to recognize, debunk and deconstruct fake news. These events will address fake news on 4 thematic units in which the majority of the fake news today is created:

  • Fundamental rights in the time of Covid-19
  • Climate cha(lle)nge
  • Migration: “Hometown of disinformation and populist campaigns”
  • Euroscepticism as a democratic barrier

AND WE NEED YOU! YOUTH EDUCATORS who are ready to exchange knowledge and support young people in learning about fake news and inspire them to be active citizens - more info and application can be found here

Application deadline is: 15th of August 2023.

Project is co-funded by the European Union.