Results of the “DigitalYOu” Research are now Online!

Digital technologies have changed the way the world works. The process of digitalization has affected all segments of the global society, economy and the environment in which all organizations operate, so that it can be freely said that the digital transformation has become a necessary determinant of tomorrow.

Consequently, neither NGOs, their goals, mission and the environment in which they operate are immune to the process of digitisation and the chages brought about by the transition to digital work. These rapid and pretty sudden changes have caused many challenges and problems in the process of digitisation and the transition to digital work. 

That is why we have conducted research within the project "DigitlYOu", which analysed 3 aspects of the problem:

  • First, research provides an overview of the effects of the use of digital tools and transitions on the digital work of YOs.
  • Second, research presents and analysis of the current state of use of digital technologies and tools in the work of YOs.
  • Third, analysis of problems and obstacles encountered by YOs in the process of digitisation and transition to digital work is presented. 

You can read research results here. 

The project "DigitlYOu" is co-funded by the European Union.