Conflict Transformation NET - Online platform for conflict management

01.01.2018 - 31.12.2018 | International

TransconflictNET was the project implemented for youth organizations from around Europe. The purpose of our initiative was to provide youth workers and activists with practical guidelines on how to use online tools for addressing conflicts. We noticed that there is no systematic approach to collecting all methods developed and that there is a lack in connecting the outcomes of these initiatives. Therefore, we decided to launch an online platform in order to present interventions which could be used for transforming different types of conflict online and through youth work. We decided to call this network Conflict TransformersNET.

Our initiative intends to demonstrate how using online tools widens possibilities for conflict transformation through youth work. We expect all the resourced offered to be useful by many organizations willing to learn about other initiatives and possibilities for approaching conflict transformation online. We also expect organizations to use this network to find partners and develop work they are doing.