Welcome to a world of workshops, trainings and counselling for developing creativity, generating and realizing ideas and learning to learn.

People who can present their ideas clearly have a greater chance of success. The greater the number of people who can realize their ideas, the more developed and successful the society.

TiPovej! is an educational organization that carries out workshops and trainings at schools, non-governmental organisations and companies in order to help the participants find their own creativity, teach them creative thinking and search for new solutions through teamwork.

TiPovej! is an excellent springboard for youth to achieve personal success. We help them move along the path to self-actualisation by teaching them creative thinking and idea realisation as well as encouraging them to set ambitious goals and make their dreams come true.

TiPovej! wants to bring about a society that favours bringing ideas to life and create a social environment where good ideas will turn into projects and organisations and get realized. We want to establish and maintain an environment that is safe, tolerant and favourably disposed towards ideas and their implementation.


TiPovej! workshops contribute towards personal growth of individual participants, improve group atmosphere and cohesion.

1. Characteristics of non-formal learning

Non-formal learning is always purposeful, designed with present learning goals and a method to reach them. The participants set the learning goals by themselves or actively participate in their creation. The role of the "student" crosses into the role of the "teacher" and vice versa.

2. Stress on developing an individual’s potential

The educational process fosters and enables the participants to achieve all the necessary values, competencies, knowledge and understanding to live fruitful lives. It also generates confidence and creativity in all life circumstances.

3. The method of work is learning that includes 3 key competencies:




4. Approach and methods:

  • Experiential and non-formal learning,
  • Active cooperation,
  • Creative solutions,
  • Open and accessible communication,
  • Accomplished process and implementation.

5. Protocols and laws:

  • TiPovej! Institute act
  • Personal data protection policy
  • Law on public interest in the youth sector
  • Child protection Policy


The EAF event took place in Valencia, Spain

The fifth EAF event was implemented in the Maria Auxilladora School in Alegemesi, region of Valencia (Spain), from 23rd to 26th April 2024.

The event brought together a diverse group of young people, youth educators, and media and policy experts and enabled them to discuss and explore how fake news is created and shared in the digital world. In the first part of the event, the participants received a warm welcome from the school principal and the project coordinator of EAF which was followed with a lecture from the experts in media literacy. The second part was interactive, with a series of workshops, where the participants had an opportunity to test their gained knowledge and skills in practice. They also worked on raising media literacy and boosting critical thinking skills that can help young people detect, debunk, and deconstruct fake news. As during the previous EAF event, fake news within 4 thematic units were addressed:

1.) Climate Cha(lle)nge,

2.) Fundamental rights in the time of COVID-19,

3.) Migration – the hometown of disinformation, and

4.) Euroscepticism as a democratic barrier.


Detailed event descriptions can be accessed by following this linkWithin this EAF event participants filmed a podcast diving deeper into the topic of fake news. The podcast episodes are coming out soon so stay tuned!

The project Europeans Against Fake News is co-funded by the European Union.

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Online EAF event

The fourth EAF event was implemented online from 25th to 28th March 2024. It brought together media and policy experts, youth educators, and young people to enable them to explore the fake news...

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DigitalYOu - presenting the platform to key stakeholders

Over the past two months, the Tipovej! team has been presenting the DigitalYou platform to young people, youth workers and key stakeholders in the youth sector. The platform is designed to offer youth...

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The Second DYOu Virtual Fair

The second virtual fair was successfully implemented on the DigitalYOu platform on June 12, 2024.

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